In a time when youth are having to deal with a lot but are expected to stay silent about it, Critical Exposure’s role is to help us take back our voice by giving us opportunities to exercise our...
For me, art is a medium to bring cognizance to truths that many may find challenging to acknowledge. Suspicious of artists and critics who claim the most pure forms of art are those that dismiss issues of politics and society, I center my realities as a young, low-income, Black male in all of my artwork, explicitly or implicitly.
The artists I seek to emulate in my own work are those who boldly spoke against systems of domination, those who unashamedly spoke their truths and sought to lead the masses into a world unfettered by violence in each of its manifestations. A few of these people include James Baldwin, Lorraine Hansberry, Essex Hemphill, Audre Lorde, Carrie Ma and Edwidge Danticat.
Each of these people have taught me the importance, as well as the price, of dismantling the blockades in my artwork as well as in my daily life.They've taught me the possibilities available to one who bravely seeks to weld aesthetic integrity with incisive sociopolitical insights. They've taught me the process of bringing my full self into the work.
Art isn't mere pleasurable images for those with excessive amounts of leisure time to blankly gaze at during lackadaisical museum outings. Art, in its purest form, is the medium through which artists push themselves to delve into the dangerous areas of their psyches and, using the materials found there, to create worlds where they can exist as their entire selves, unencumbered by constraining forces, bringing those dedicated to a world of freely flowing creativity along this journey.