Peer Jury & Restorative Justice
We’re trying to start a Peer Jury Council, which is basically giving some kids the opportunity to connect with other kids their ages and trying to figure out what’s going on in school, why some don’t want to strive for the best and why they aren’t doing as good as they could do. [We're working on] not just moving the problem but trying to solve the problem [of disengaged students]. We’re trying to change students’ ideas about coming to school. We want them to be able to come to school and be in an environment where they feel safe enough to go to class and safe enough to interact with everyone in the school. This is all to fulfill our mission statement, and that’s to create a more inspiring and respectful school environment. Another student group came in today and we had a discussion. We read them our proposal for the Peer Jury campaign that we’re planning to do. We had a lot of good feedback, and they liked the proposal. We explained to them what we’ve been working on and how we would like them to help us, so that we can work together for one solution. Next we will be working on the handbook for the whole peer jury council. We’re going to try to draw in some ideas [from this meeting] to add to the Peer Jury and we’re going to have another meeting with these students to kind of put that together. Then hopefully from there we can start piecing this together and get the principal and administration involved.