The importance of youth voice is to show not only adults but other youth that we do have voice and we can have opinions...
What We Believe
We believe:
• Those who are listened to the least often have the most important things to say and deserve the opportunity to be seen and heard.
• The arts and photography are powerful tools for empowerment and advocacy.
• The individual voices of youth have tremendous value and their collective voice has tremendous power.
• Education is a civil right and all students deserve access to the resources and supports they need to succeed.
• Closing the current opportunity gap impacting underserved youth requires solutions to issues that students face both inside and outside of school walls.
• Both large- and small-scale changes in schools and communities are necessary, and both can have an immense impact on the youth who participate and the issues they seek to address.
• Youth voices must be elevated as part of policy and social change efforts.
• Youth must learn how to become engaged, lifelong, active citizens who can effectively work to address issues that impact their lives and their communities.