CE is important to me; it’s an outlet. We get to use our voices and talk about things going on that affect us in...
"Through Your Lens: School Facilities Across America" Photo & Essay Contest (National)
Check out the results of the contest and exhibit here.
The 21st Century School Fund, Healthy Schools Campaign and Critical Exposure have launched Through Your Lens: School Facilities Across America, a national photo and essay contest, at www.ThroughYourLens.org. The contest, which will remain open until February 22, enables students, teachers, and community members to contribute their own perspectives to the policy debate about state and federal funding for public school repair, renovation and construction. Last year's contest drew over 400 submissions and culminated in a published book and an exhibit at the Russell Senate Office Building Rotunda on Capitol Hill. This year, select photos and stories will be exhibited in Washington as Congress considers the role of safe, healthy school buildings in supporting learning and student achievement, as well as in a book and online gallery. To learn more, to view submissions, and to take action, visit www.ThroughYourLens.org.